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Info for Maintenance on EMC Array's



Information about the VMAX 20K:


#symcfg -sid 3307 list -v







EMC Avamar Gen2 and Gen3 Single Node

  1. Using Putty, establish a SSH connection to the Avamar, the IP address is on the LCD display of the Dell server
  2. Login as admin with the customer provided password.
  3. Run command /usr/bin/omeport chassis frontpanel | grep "LCD Line"
  4. Capture the output

EMC Avamar Gen2 and Gen3 Multiple Node

  1. Using Putty, establish a SSH connection to the Avamar, the IP address is on the LCD display of the Dell server
  2. Login as admin with the customer provided password.
  3. Enter command ssh-agent bash
  4. Enter command ssh-add ~/.ssh/dpnid
  5. Enter command mapall --all+ --quiet '/usr/bin/omreport chassis frontpanel | grep "LCD Line 1" | sed "s/^.*: *\(.*\)/\1/"'
  6. Capture the output

EMC Avamar Gen4 Single Node

  1. Using Putty, establish a SSH connection to the Avamar, the IP address is on the LCD display of the Dell server
  2. Login as admin with the customer provided password.
  3. Run command /usr/bin/ipmitool fru print 0 | grep "Product Asset Tag" | sed "s/^.*: *\(.*\)/\1/"
  4. Capture the output

EMC Avamar Gen4 Multiple Node

  1. Using Putty, establish an SSH connection to the Utility Node.
  2. Login as admin with the customer provided password.
  3. Enter command ssh-agent bash
  4. Enter command ssh-add ~/.ssh/dpnid
  5. Enter command mapall --noerror --user=root --nodes=all+ --quiet 'echo `hostname -i`": "`/usr/bin/ipmitool fru print 0 | grep "Product Asset Tag" | sed "s/^.*:\s\(.*$\)/\1/"`'
  6. Capture the output








  1. Attach to the Celerra control station using a DB9 to DB9 serial cable (19200 baud, 8 bit, no parity and 1 stop bit) or login using putty SSH with IP address as nasadmin
  1. At the prompt, execute the following command:


  1. Wait until the command completes with this message:
  1. Switch to the root account by typing the following command and enter the root password when prompted. (If default, it is nasadmin):

su -

  1. At the prompt, create the directory /a by typing mkdir /a and press enter
  2. Attach USB to the rear of the control station.
  3. Enter dmesg to verify the USB has been found and assigned a device name, as seen below
  1. Mount the USB device to /a directory by typing the command below:

mount /dev/sda1 /a

  1. Type exit to return to nasadmin shell (you will see a $ prompt)
  2. Locate the file by typing cd nas/var/emcsupport
  3. Type ls – l to view the list of files the file at the end of the list should be the most recent and is the one you just created.
  1. Copy the file to USB:
    1. Type cp, then highlight the file and right click
    1. This will copy the file to the line immediately after cp
    1. Then type /a to the end of the file name and press enter. A prompt will indicate success, as seen below.
    1. Change directory to the root directory by typing cd / and press enter.
    2. Then unmount your USB drive by typing umount /a and pressing Enter.
  1. Upload the soft copy information using the “Upload Audit Files” through your service ticket.








To gather the SPCollect using Navisphere, enter IP address of the SP into a web browser and press enter. Then click ‘no’ to initialize global security.

  1. Open the Enterprise Window, click on the local domain and drill down to the level where you can see the Storage processors called SP-A & SP-B.
  2. You will then right click on either one of them and select ‘SPCollect’ as in the following example and select Yes to continue.
  1. After clicking on ‘SPCollect’, you will then see a screen similar to the following:
  1. The final step in this process will be to copy the SPCollect file from the EMC where it is currently stored, over to your laptop or customer PC. You will use the same drop down menu as you used to create the file, but this time you will select File Transfer Manager as in the following example:
  1. After clicking on ‘File Transfer Manager’, you will see a screen similar to the following example:
  1. Once this screen is displayed, you will need to locate your SPCollect file that ends in from the list for transfer. The name of the file will be in all uppercase and will begin with AP. It will also have a date and time that matches when you ran the SPCollect.

Note: If you have Dell firmware, your SP collect file will start with the service tag #.

  1. Highlight the file and click ‘Transfer’ to move it to your laptop or PC. Take note of the fact that you can use the Browse button on the right to select a different directory for the saved file.
  2. After clicking ‘Transfer’, you will see a screen similar to the following:
  1. After clicking on the ‘Yes’ button, you will see a screen similar to the following:
  1. Take note of the name of the zip file that has now been transferred and where it was stored. You have now successfully created and transferred the SPCollect report.
  2. The names of the files look like the following:

  1. Once the file is transferred, find the file and right click on it.
  2. Select send to, select mail recipient and add the following email address


Upload the soft copy information using the “Upload Audit Files” through your service ticket.


EMC SP Collect Access using Unisphere Site Audit



To gather the SPCollect using Unisphere, enter IP address of the SP into a web browser and press enter. Then click ‘no’ to initialize global security.

  1. Navigate to the System page
  1. Within either SP Tasks, click on Generate Diagnostic Files
  1. Click yes to continue and OK to finish.
  2. Click on the Get Diagnostic Zip File (seen below) for the SP you selected


  1. Transfer the file to the service laptop following the steps that are provided.
  2. Click OK to finish.




GUI Version

  1. Access the Data Domain System Manager GUI
  2. Select the Maintenance Tab > Support Tab > Support Bundle Tab.
  3. Click the button to Generate Support Bundle.

After clicking, it creates a file that will show up in a list shown below (make take several minutes). Select and copy the autosupport file. This is the file to send for accurate pricing.

Putty/Command Version

  1. An SSH client such as Putty is required to complete this procedure.
  2. Launch Putty
  3. Expand the Session category in the navigation tree on the left.
  4. Highlight Logging
  5. Select All session output
  6. Under Log name, browse to your Desktop and enter a filename (example CustomerName-DataDomain.txt)
  7. Highlight Session
  8. Ensure the connection type is SSH
  9. In the Host Name field enter the Host Name or IP Address of your Data Domain
  10. Click Open
  11. If prompted with a security alert, click Yes
  12. Login as user sysadmin, the password is set by the user
  13. Run command system show version
  14. Run command license show
  15. Run command enclosure show all
  16. Run command disk show hardware
  17. Exit putty and send the log file saved to your desktop to Diversity IT


EMC Isilon

Procedure for OneFS v7

  1. Login to the OneFS web interface as root (Customer Action)
  2. Move mouse over Dashboard and click Events
  3. Click the Event Notification Rules tab.
  4. Click Add Rule
  5. Enter the following information:
  • Rule name: DIT
  • Recipients: Email -
  • Filesystem events : Critical
  • Hardware events: Critical
  • Node status events: Critical
  • Reboot events: Critical
  • Smart Quotas events: None
  • Snapshot events: None
  • Software events: None
  • System disk events: Critical
  • Windows Networking events: None
  • Click Save
  • Click the Notification Settings tab
  • Ensure all email settings are filled using customer provided information
  • Set Notification batch mode to Batch by severity
  • Click Submit
  • Move mouse over Dashboard, click Events, click Notifiction Settings
  • Click Send test event
  • Confirm a test message was recieved by a callhome specialist.
  • Procedure for OneFS v8

    1. Login to the OneFS web interface as root (Customer Action)
    2. Move mouse over Cluster Management and select Events and Alerts from the dropdown
    3. Click the Alerts tab.
    4. Click Create an Alert Channel
    5. Enter the following information:
    • Name: DIT
    • Enable this channel: Checked
    • Type: SMTP
    • Send to:
    • Select: Use global SMTP server settings
    • Leave all other defaults

    1. Click Create Alert Channel
    2. Click Create an Alert
    3. Enter the following information:
    • Name: DIT
    • Alert Channels: check DIT
    • Event Group Categories: check System Disk, Node status, Reboot, Filesystem and Hardware events.
    • Leave all other defaults and click Create Alert

    1. Click Sent Test Alert and confirm a test message was recieved by a callhome specialist. If a test was Not recieved continue to the next step. Otherwise the procedure is complete.

    If a test message was not recieved check the mail server settings by performing the following steps.

    1. Under Alert Channels click View / Edit for DIT
    2. Click Edit Alert Channel
    3. Under SMTP Settings enter customer provided mail server settings
    4. Click Save Changes




    Site audit procedure for block (SP Collects)

    1. Launch Unisphere and login.
    2. Select the VNX series array from either the dashboard or from the Systems drop-down menu. Click System on the toolbar.
    3. On the right pane, under Diagnostic Files, select Generate Diagnostic Files - SPA'. Confirm that it is OK to continue. "Success" will be displayed when the SPcollect starts, but this only means the script has been started and will still take several minutes to complete.
    4. Repeat step 3 for SP B.
    5. It will take around 15 minutes to generate a complete SPCollect file dending on the siz of the array.
    6. Still on the right pane, select Get Diagnostic files - SP A'.
    7. When the SPCollect file has completed, a file with the following name will be listed:
    • [ArraySerialnumber]_SPA_[date_time(GMT)_code]
  • Sorting by descending order of date is a good way to find the latest SPcollect and the zip file will generally be over 10MB. If the file has not appeared, press refresh to update the page until the correct file appears.
  • On the right-hand side of the box, select the location on the local computer, where the SPcollects should be transferred to.
  • On the left hand side of the box select the file to be transferred.
    • Note: If a file is listed that ends in runlog.txt, this indicates that the SPcollects are still running. Wait until the is created.
  • Repeat Steps 6-10 on SP B to retrieve its diagnostic files.

    Site Audit procedure for File (Support Materials)

    1. Log into the VNX using EMC Unisphere
    2. Under the System tab, select Diagnostic
    3. Select the Capture Diagnostic Data tab

    This button will open the Diagnostic Data Capture wizard and initiate a process to capture the Diagnostic file ( Note: This file will conatian the Support Materials folder and may contain the SP Collects, if it does not please use the above steps to gather the SP Collects.)

    1. Once this is captured, the wizard transfers them to the local repository or a location of your choice for retrieval.

    Note: This file can take several minutes to gather. The file that SEI requires for the audit or pricing ends with "_data"

    1. Upload the soft copy information using the “Upload Audit Files” through your service ticket.


    Procedure for VNXe

    1. Log in to the Unisphere GUI with admin credentials.
    2. Click on Settings and then on Service system.
    3. Enter service password.
    4. Under "System Components" highlight "Storage System".
    5. Select "Collect Service Information " under "Service Actions."
    6. Click "Execute service action."
    7. This message is displayed: "The service data has previously been collected and is available for download. Do you want to download this existing service data or start a new process to collect new service data? Click Yes to download the existing service data file or No to start a new collection of service data."
    8. Select Yes or No as appropriate to your situation.
    9. Click Yes to save the files to your hard drive.